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Monday, March 31, 2014

Our 13th Week ~ 2014

Apparently I fell of the face of the blogging earth last week.  :)  After my weekly summary post ... nothing.  Not even a Scavenger Hunt post.  I had some deadlines to meet and was working diligently most of the time.  I attended an incredible ladies' retreat Friday and Saturday, so I needed to be done with my work so I could go without feeling guilty.  :)

Alex was sick Monday and Tuesday, then Keira was sick Thursday and Friday.  I was hosting a craft day at my church on Monday and two minutes after walking in the door, the school nurse called me to come get Alex because he had a low grade temp.  :(  I picked him up, stopped at home for his sleeping bag, bean bag chair, and some comfy clothes, then went back to the church for the day.  He did really well, watching movies or coloring.  I barely knew he was there.  And I only felt slightly guilty for making him come with me.  :)  He didn't complain once though.  I missed Bible study Tuesday morning because he was still not feeling well.  But by the time Keira and Nick got home, he was raring to go.  

The ladies' retreat was absolutely wonderful!  Kirsten Hart was the main speaker.  I loved her!  Friday night she had us laughing so hard, my face hurt.  She did have a message hidden in there though.  The worship music was truly annointed.  The presence of our Almighty God was definitely there.  I almost didn't want it to end.  I say almost because by Saturday afternoon, I was tired of sitting so much.  :)

I didn't pick up my camera much at all last week.  I would really love to have a phone that took decent pictures because I would take more pictures of the ordinary things that we see or do every day.  Sometimes it is just too much effort to go get the camera.  {sigh}

Anyway, here are the few shots that I did take ...

The nerdy part of me is super excited that I finally remembered to buy refills for my label maker.  Now I can throw away those sticky notes that have been used as a replacement.  Let the label making commence!  :)

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I heard the boys upstairs playing super loud and went up to investigate.  I found them reenacting a scene from the movie Rocky.  Nick was using Alex's Yoda slippers as boxing gloves.  Oy!

I took this to use in the Scavenger Hunt which I ended up not participating in.  This snowman snow globe has been on a shelf in my office and it is time to put him away.  Enough with the snow!  I want spring!  :)

Here's hoping I find motivation and inspiration to take pictures this week!  I'm going to try to do Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge, so ...

See you next week!  Thanks for stopping by!

Linking with Tamar.


Tamar SB said...

What a busy, busy week! The boys are too funny. Hope no one gets sick this week!!

packmom said...

Looks like your boys are having a blast being boys. It's good thy can have so much fun together. Love the snowman snow glob shot, but yes! Time for spring ;0)