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Monday, February 3, 2014

Rare Meteorological Phenomenon

We had a really cool thing happen here last week.  Snow rollers!  Apparently they are a rare occurrence because conditions have to be just right for them to occur.  You can read about snow rollers on Wikipedia, if you'd like.  I'd write about them here, but I'm being lazy.  :)

Since I love to see cool and unusual things, the boys and I set out to our neighbors' field to see if we could find any snow rollers.  And did we ever!  There must have been a hundred!  Some small, some big.  All over the place.


We found this extra large one and had a little fun with it.



And then Alex found another one that he thought looked like a cake, so he picked it up and started to eat it.


Eeeeewwww!  My boys eat snow all the time and it grosses me out.  Too many critters running around here to be eating snow.  :)

If you want to see what else we were up to last week, here are a couple blog posts to check out ...
Beauty can be found (close ups of snowflakes)
Winter Science Experiment (frozen bubbles)

Also, I'm giving away a copy of the DVD UNSTOPPABLE.  Go check it out!

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking with Tamar ...

Have a great week!


Tamar SB said...

That is SO amazing!!!

packmom said...

I've never heard of snow rollers before. Very cool. So glad you found some.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

That's the coolest!