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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Beauty Can Be Found

As we are on our third school day cancellation in a row due to the sub-zero temperatures, I hesitate to share photos of snow.  Many of us have had our share, believe me.  However, if you look hard enough, beauty can be found most anywhere.


Snow, as harsh as it can be, is really very beautiful.  If you look closely.





Simply beautiful.


Anonymous said...

WOW! These are amazing!

Rainey said...

I just love these, Kim! You are really making me want a fancy camera with a macro lens. God does beautiful work, and you do a beautiful job at capturing it.

Melissa Hopper said...

What do you use to capture that? I so want to myself.

tiarastantrums said...

you are right - these are awesome! What lens did you use?

Kim said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Awesome job! You go ahead and toot the horn!

betty-NZ said...

Quite amazing!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Wow! Like treasures.

kewkew said...

Oh my, I loved the one you shared for Scavenger Hunt Sunday, but they are all just amazing. So beautiful and delicate. (Yet when they band together they sure can cause a lot of hassle...is there a lesson there somewhere?)

Christina Morley said...

These photos are amazing! I recently saw snow-flake photos similar to these, but what I like about yours, especially, is that you have beautiful background colors. Thanks for linking on my Picture Perfect Party Linky last week! My linky for this week is now live.

Suburban Girl said...

Oh my gosh, please tell me how you took these photos, they are gorgeous. I have never had anything look this beautiful.

Unknown said...

Kimberly, would love to know what lens you used to capture these! They are gorgeous!

Yazmin said...

Holy moley these are beautiful! Makes me wish for a macro lens!

Mersad said...

These are the best snow flake macro shots I have ever seen. Beautiful!!!