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Friday, April 5, 2013

Nurture Photography ~ Yellow/Easter

The boys and I had fun coloring eggs for Easter this year.


Nick is such a goofball sometimes.  :)

Showing off two of his masterpieces.

Alex too.  I think he's trying to look cool here.  :)

See what I mean?  :)  He's a hoot!


We didn't plan to make any speckled ones, but the violet coloring that I used didn't mix well.  So any eggs that we dipped in it came out speckled.  The boys thought that was pretty cool.  Me, too.  :)

Nurture Photography Challenge - Spring 2013 Edition


Laura said...

Jason was laughing at Nick and Alex. :)

Rainey said...

Haha! Nick's face is awesome! Those speckled eggs are cool. Fun times! I miss coloring Easter Eggs.

alicia said...

Looks like fun! Love the persepective of the second from last shot. Beautifully done. Thanks so much for joining our spring challenge! Have a great weekend!

~ Noelle said...

love love love the eggs


Anonymous said...

I would have never known that the speckles were not intended. Lovely captures of a fun time no doubt.

Unknown said...

I love the speckled eggs! They are all gorgeous!