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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 03.31.13

Happy Resurrection Sunday!  He is risen!  

After Sunday morning church service, we have a quiet day planned at home.  We will be getting together with family in a couple weeks for Nick's 10th birthday, so everyone chose to have their Easter celebrations quietly at home.  As much as I like hosting holidays at our house, I'm okay with the break.  A quiet day to celebrate the sacrifice our Lord and Savior made for every one of us can't be a bad thing.

Today's Scavenger Hunt items are: Water, Empty, Fresh, Weathered, and Ordinary.
Alex pointed out this little waterfall along the bike trail.  Saturday morning we got out and enjoyed the spring weather, since it is finally here!  At least for now.

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.  ~ Matthew 28:6
Part of the resurrection story from one of the kids' Bible storybooks.

Since spring has been elusive, I bought some fresh-cut tulips to have a little taste of spring indoors.

A weathered tree along the bike trail.

Ordinary:  commonly encountered; usual.  
Yeah, that would be Keira and her Kindle.  :)

One last thing before I scoot, I'm giving away a copy of the book, What I Wish I Knew at 18.  You might want to go check it out.

Happy last day of March!  Really?!?!

Have a super duper week!


Yolanda Ronaldo said...

That tulip is absolutely stunning!

Tamar SB said...

Fresh is fantastic! Have a marvelous holiday!

Nicki said...

Your tulip shot is gorgeous and such a sweet 'ordinary' sight to witness (love a kid enjoying reading).

Have a blessed and peaceful Easter.

Gina Kleinworth said...

Perfect- every single one Kimberly!

HAPPY EASTER!!! Have a blessed day!

Kim Cunningham said...

These are so beautiful! I hope you are having a glorious Easter!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics - Happy Easter! :-)

4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...such beautiful shots. Hope y'all are having a wonderful Easter!

Honey Mommy said...

Love your water and fresh pictures! Those water droplets are amazing.

Cathy H. said...

Beautiful images! Love the water and the stunning focus on the tulips!

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, You are right .... Where did March go!

Lovely set of pictures! I can't wait for things to start blooming around here.

Your ordinary picture is an ordinary scene at our house too. I am a guilty bookworm.

Ranch Wife Robyn

Holly said...

Love those water droplets. BEAUTIFUL!